standard white poodle
professional groomer

2023 / 2022 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010

15.12.2013 Advent show KPaCHP - Praha

Judge - Robert Kubeš CZ
Angelica AV Pes - very promising 1, res. BIS Baby
Artush AV Pes - very promising 1, res.BIS Baby
Aquillera Pikovický poklad - Club CC
Agáta Berberis Carpatica - Club Certificate for Champion of Champions
Tony White Envisan - Club Certificate for Honour champion - New Honour Champion KPaCHP

1.12.2013 - Advent show VDP - Halle Zwebendorf

Judge - Gabriele Runge DE
Two of Tony's kids were succesfully shown.
Armani AV Pes - very promising 1
Alžběta AV Pes - very promising 1, res. BIS Baby
We wish a lot of success in the future and a lot of joy with our children.

Armani AV Pes
Armani AV Pes Armani AV Pes

30.11.2013 our beloved Cherry left us in age of 11,5 years

She will stay in our thoughts forever.

30.11.2013 - Armani AV Pes

Armani AV Pes - son of our Tony and Agata got used to his new family in Germany.
We cross our fingers for his good start at shows and we thank to Sabine for taking care of him.

Armani AV Pes Armani AV Pes Armani AV Pes Armani AV Pes

19.11.2013 - Braidy Hanky Pikovický poklad

Braidy Hanky Pikovický poklad / Picasso / fits well to his new family in Kiel. He is growing up into very handsome boy and due to plays with his friend Davanty his body also matured.

Club Show Pudl klub - 26.10.2013

judge - Mrs. Galina Zhuk from Belorussia
Artush AV Pes - Very promissing in baby class, BIS Baby at Club show

Mum Agáta, sire Toník and siblings Albert, Alexander and Atilla were at the show to support Artush.
Artush did great in the ring as experienced guy. We were all so proud of him a judge liked him.

Brother Alexander left to Poland 3rd of November, sister Alžběta /Lisbeth/ and brother Armani /Arnie/ live in Germany and sister Angelica has her loving family in Prague.



11.8.2013 Braidy Pikovický poklad

Braidy Pikovický poklad said goodbye to his old family in Merseburg and left to his new home, where he is going to have a company of miniature grey poodle Opi and standard black poodle Davanty. His new name is Picasso.
He is now living in Wendtorf near Kiel in loving family of Mr. Konrad Weiss. A lot of joy and luck!
His Brother Blake is alone now but he started his show career and it begun with title resBIS puppy.
He liked all of it - stay in hotel, show ring and café where he was together with his friends Tony, Bert and Agi.

Braidy Pikovický poklad

11.8.2013 VDP Pudel Ausstellung Merseburg

judge: Ing. Naďa Klírová
Blake Pikovický poklad - very promising, res. BIS Puppy
CH. Aquillera Pikovický poklad - VDH - CAC, S - CAC, The Best standard female, BOS
CH. Abar Recatty - VDH - CAC, S - CAC, The Best standard male, BOB, BIS 4
C.I.B. Tony White Envisan - E - CAC, The best of honour classes, BIS 2
Aquillera + Tony - The Best brace

CH. Abar Recatty Blake Pikovický poklad
CH. Abar Recatty and Blake Pikovický poklad

The Best brace/ BOB and BOS

Puppies are enjoying summerhouse, sun and running around with siblings. They are 7 weeks and soon they will leave to their new homes. We wish them wonderful life, a lot of luck and loving owners.

standard white poodle puppies standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies

15.7.2013 Puppies are watching and meeting the world.

standard white poodle puppies standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies by Agáta Berberis Carpatica and Tony White Envisan
standard white poodle puppies

standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies

10.7.2013 Photos of Tony's puppies in age of 1 week

Dam: Agáta Barberis Carpatica
Puppies are one week old they are more and more cute and lively.

standard white poodle puppies standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies standard white poodle puppies

standard white poodle puppies by Agáta Berberis Carpatica and Tony White Envisan

26.6.2013 Agatha Berberis Carpatica gave birth of 7 puppies sired by our Tony.

Boys - Artush, Attila, Alexander, Armani, Albert and two girls - Angelika and Alžběta.
Dam is Agáta Barberis Carpatica, who was also successful in a show ring:
Czech Junior Champion
Czech Champion
res. CACIB
Club Winner PK 2011
The Best Junior female NDS Mladá Boleslav 2009

standard white poodle puppies
standard white poodle puppies

standard white poodle puppies by Agáta Berberis Carpatica and Tony White Envisan

23.6.2013 Special show KPaCHP - Konopiště

judges - Dr. Axel Rudolph and Angelika Rudolph from Germany
Ch. Abar Recatty - CAC, Club CC, Special show winner KPaCHP 2013, The Best white poodle of the show
Multich. Tony White Envisan - new Honour champion KPaCHP
Bondie Brit Love Wild Angel - 2nd Best multicoloured poodle in harlequin colour
Braidy and Blake Hanky Pikovický poklad - first visit at the show and first training outside the ring

Ch. Abar Recatty
Ch. Abar Recatty
Ch. Abar Recatty
The Best white poodle competition

Bondie Brit Love Wild Angel Bondie Brit Love Wild Angel
Bondie Brit Love Wild Angel

19.6.2013 - Boys Braidy and Blake Hanky Pikovický poklad are still available and lookign for new loving homes.

They are 3,5 months old.

Braidy Pikovický poklad Blake Hanky Pikovický poklad
Braidy and Blake Hanky Pikovický poklad
Braidy a Blake Hanky Pikovický poklad Braidy a Blake Hanky Pikovický poklad

CH. Aramis Recatty, Tony's son, make us very happy.

He is doing great at shows this year as well.

13.4.2013 - Club show KCHP Ostrava, judge Petra Ulrichová
Club CC, new Club Champion KCHP, The Best white poodle of the show

14.4.2013 - National show Ostrava, judge Miroslav Václavík
CAC, CAC ČMKU, National winner, BOB, BIG 3 IX. sk. FCI, new Czech Grandchampion

27.4.2013 - Club show Opole, judge Eugene Yerusalimsky - Russia
CWC, Club winner

28.4.2013 - IDS Opole, judge Elena Yerusalimsky - Russia
CWC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 6th IX FCI, new Champion of Poland

World Dog show Budapest - 19.5.2013, judge Frank T. Schelle
open class - Exc.1, CAC

CH. Aramis Recatty CH. Aramis Recatty
CH. Aramis Recatty CH. Aramis Recatty CH. Aramis Recatty

Regiona show Plzeň - 12.5.2013

judge Alena Košťálová
CH. Antonio Pikovický poklad - Regional winner, BIG IX. FCI

CH. Antonio Pikovický poklad

Club show Pudl klub - Staňkov, 8.5.2013

judge RNDr. Jaroslava Ovesná
CH. Abar Recatty - Club CC, 2nd Best dog of the show, new Champion of Pudl klub
CH. Quasia White Envisan - Club CC, Th Best female of teh show, new Champion of Pudl klub

CH. Abar Recatty CH. Abar Recatty
Abar Recatty - new Champion of Pudl klub
Abar, Tony, Quasia
Abar, Tony, Quasia

IDS Praha - 5.5.2013

judge Zuzana Vršecká
CH. High Style Yrtep - CAC, CACIB, BOS, new Czech Grandchmapion
Haco Greca Nova - res. CAC
Armin Bílý poklad - CAC
Andreas Bílý poklad - res. CAC
Tonny accompanied us we pictured him with his sons Abar, Armin and Andreas.

Haco Greca Nova CH. High Style Yrtep Haco Greca Nova and CH. High Style Yrtep
Haco Greca Nova
Tony and his sons
Haco Greca Nova

Club show KPaCHP - Praha, 4.5.213

judge Galina Zhuk - Belorussia
CH. Abar Recatty - res. CAC
CH. High Style Yrtep - CAC, Club Winner
velký bílý pudl CH. Abar Recatty velký bílý pudl CH. Abar Recatty
Ch. Abar Recatty

20.4.2013 Club show PK - Hluboká nad Vltavou

CH. Abar Recatty became not only The Best poodle of the club show but also Best in Group IX of circuit regional show and BIS of regional show. Judges were Mgr. Božena Ovesná and Mr. Antonín Mudra.
great white poodle CH. Abar Recatty great white poodle CH. Abar Recatty great white poodle CH. Abar Recatty great white poodle CH. Abar Recatty

20.4.2013 - Club show KCHP Březno

CH. Antonio Pikovický poklad met conditions of Club Champion KCHP. At the club show in Březno he got last CC and also became 2nd Best poodle of the show. Judge was Mr. Georg Walther from Germany.
great white poodle
Pictured with half brother Abar Recatty and their sire: Tony / From the left Antonio, Abar a Tony

14.4.2013 - CH.Aramis Recatty got next champion title!

13.4.2013 at club show of KCHP Aramis got the last Club CC to meet condition of Club Champion KCHP. He also becameThe best white male.
14.4.2013 at National show in Ostrava - CAC, CAC ČMKU, National winner, BOB, BIG 3rd.
He met conditions of Grandchampon of the Czech republic.
CH.Aramis Recatty CH.Aramis Recatty
Ch. Aramis Recatty

10.4.2013 - News from kennel Pikovický poklad

Puppies by Anabel and Hanky are six weeks, all are growing well.
Sire of the litter CH. Heartbreaker's Hanky - Panky Viva Forever "Hanky" got next two titles in meanwhile: VDH Champion and res. BIS DPK Speciality.
He is also Luxembourg Champion, Luxembourg Junior Winner 2011, World Junior Winner 2011, DPK Junior Winner 2011, FCI - Centenary - European - Juniorwinner 2011,6 x CACIB, 5 x BOB, BIG 4 IDS Innsbruck 2012, BOD IDS Mladá Boleslav 2012, BIS DPK Speciality
CH. Heartbreaker´s Hanky - Panky Viva Forever
CH. Heartbreaker´s Hanky - Panky Viva Forever
litter B Pikovický poklad - great white poodle puppies
VRH B Pikovický poklad - girls
litter B Pikovický poklad - great white poodle puppies
VRH B Pikovický poklad - boys
litter B Pikovický poklad - great white poodle puppies
litter B Pikovický poklad - great white poodle puppies litter B Pikovický poklad - great white poodle puppies litter B Pikovický poklad - great white poodle puppies

31.3.2013 - International dog show České Budějovice

judge - Mgr. Božena Ovesná
CH. Abar Recatty - CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB
JCH. Agáta Berberis Carpatica - CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOS, new Czech champion
JCH. Chic Chance Yrtep - CAC, res.CACIB, new Czech champion
We are very happy for results of all three!
CH. Abar Recatty JCH. Agáta Berberis Carpatica JCH. Chic Chance Yrtep

17.3.2013 BIS Speciality VDP Pudelzuchtschau Baden-Baden

Tony brought home next title BIS from Speciality z VDP Pudelzuchtschau Baden-Baden, judged by Mrs. Gerda Bolter from Austria.
Tody spread his collection of german titles
    VDH Champion
    VDP Siegerchampion
    VDP Sieger
    PZV Sieger
    BIS 3 VDP Siegerschau Merseburg 2011
    BIS VDP Pudelzuchtschau Hoyerswerda 2012
    BIS 3 VDP Pudelzuchtschau Fraureuth 2012
with two more: Jahressieger 2012 and BIS VDP Pudelzuchtschau Baden - Baden
He is a great show dog, sho just rocks in the ring!br> His son Abar Recatty, went together with his sire to show himself abroad and got VDH CAC and VDP SCA. Tony
Abar Recatty
Abar Recatty
BIS Speciality VDP Pudelzuchtschau Baden-Baden
BIS Speciality VDP Pudelzuchtschau Baden-Baden - Jahressieger 2012

11.3.2013 Puppies of standard white poodle

Puppies are growing very well and fast and they were given names.
Boys - Blake, Bruce, Bolt and Brady
Girls - Bianca, Blanche, Bondie and Baily
Štěňátka bílých královských pudlů

Puppies of standard white poodle Puppies of standard white poodle

Puppies of standard white poodle Puppies of standard white poodle

2.3.2013 Puppies of standard white poodle

ICH. Multich. Annabel du Cristaux Glaceés and CH. Heartbreaker´s Hanky - Panky Viva Forever became parents to 8 wonderful puppies on 24.2.2013.
Four boys and four girls were born. We are all very happy and wish them wonderful life and superb owners as puppies from litter "A" do have!
ICH. Multich. Annabel du Cristaux Glaceés CH. Heartbreaker´s Hanky - Panky Viva Forever
Puppies of standard white poodle

2.-3.2.2013 DUOCACIB Brno

Tony's fifth progeny became national champion.
Two of Tony's sons were shown at double international show in Brno.
Antonio Pikovický poklad - open class - 2x CAC, res. CACIB / = CACIB - rappel / - Czech Champion
CH. Aramis Recatty - champion class - 2x CAC, res. CACIB / = CACIB - rappel /
Mr. David Allan Gibson from Spain judged on Saturday, Mr. Dušan Paunovič from Serbia judged on Sunday.
We are very happy from results of both boys, congratulation to their owners and many thanks to Andrea Farkašová for handling Antonio.

Antonio Pikovický poklad Antonio Pikovický poklad
CH. Aramis Recatty

5.1.2013 New Years club show KPaCHP in Středokluky, Kladno

Poodles were judged by Zuzana Vršecká.
Tony was The Best of honour class and Black got his Club champion KPaCHP diploma and became 2nd Best standard dog of show.
Tony White Envisan
Tony White Envisan Black Black

MVDr. Věra Vitnerová

Švýcarská 2430
272 01 Kladno-Kročehlavy, MAP
Phone: +420 774 481 041
