standard white poodle
professional groomer

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Success of poodles groomed by us, kennel z Nového království

Breeding couple of miniature grey poodle of our friend Jitka Blahová - Constantin and Casablanca z Nového království - are already one year in care of our salon. So far gained many titles at shows under lead of their breeder and owner.
Congratulations to the owner, we wish her much more show and breeding success and also thank her for great presentation of or grooming work.

Constantin z Nového království
Jubileum winner KCHP 2011
3 x res. CACIB, 2 x CACIB, BOS
PZV Soieger 2011
The best grey poodle of club show KCHP
Champion of Slovakia
Champion of Austria
Czech Grandchampion
CAC at WDS in Salzburg

Casablanca z Nového království
Jubileum Winner KCHP 2011
1 x res. CACIB, 4 x CACIB, 3 x BOS, BOB
PZV Sieger 2011
Club Winner KCHP 2011
Special Show Winner KCHP 2011
The Best miniature female at Club show KCHP
Champion of Slovakia
Champion of Austria
CAC at WDS in Salzburg

Together in braces competition in Czech and abroad did great as well:
4 x The Best brace at club shows KCHP
2nd Best brace of day at CACIB Prague 5/2011
2nd Best brace of day at CACIB Mladá Boleslav 8/2011
Best brace of day at CACIB CACIB Wroclaw 9/2011
Best brace of day at show Siegerschau - PZV Kolkwitz 10/2011
CHS z Novéko království - miniature grey poodle CHS z Novéko království - miniature grey poodle

6.11.2011 - IDS Prague

On Sunday we went to Letňany again for the International show, which was judged also by french judge, Mr. Jean Blangino.
We were showing two of Tony's children, grey miniature poodle Villy Adia Avi and medium white male Chic Chance Yrtep.
Boys Abar and Channy were excellent without any title, but Tony's daughter Alexis Pikovický poklad got CAC and resCACIB at her first show debut in intermediate class. This time, her owner was much more satisfied with her presentation and the result came immediately. Big congratulation!!!
Villy entered his class again as a showman, judge was covered by his kisses and Villy left with his second CAC title from international show. One more CAC to be Czech Champion. Big congratulations as well.
Grey miniatures of Jitka Blahová got res. CAC in champion class - Constantin Gris z Nového království and female Casablanca Gris z Nového království got her 10th CACIB.
Little Channy was also shown in final competitions with his breeder in breeding competition, where the kennel got 3rd place in big competition. Big congratulations to all!!!
great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle

5.11.2011 - Club show KPaCHP Praha

Club show of KPaCHP was organised on Saturday together with International show in Prague at Latňany fairs.
Judge was Mr. Jean Blangino from France. Together with Zuzka Wohlmuthová, we took a part with whole our white pack, as well as in Středokluky club show.
Annabel got her last needed CC for title Champion of Champions KPaCHP and she also became 3rd Best standard poodle of the show.
Tony became The best standard male and 4th Best male of the show among international competition.
Bert /Abar/ met conditions of Club Junior Champion by getting his next CC.
Aquilera got her 3rd CC for Club Junior Champion and also 4th Best junior female.
Multi-coloured miniature poodle Cantos Brit Harlekin Wild Angel - Charlie made us really proud as he was awarded as The Best multicoloured poodle of the show.
great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle

29.10.2011 - Club show PK Středokluky u Kladna

This time Club show of Poodle Club was organised on Saturday 29.10.2011 in sport hall in Středokluky near Kladno. Judge was very nice lady Mrs. Elfriede Heidecker from Austria.
We had two pairs of poodles together - Tony with Annabel and Bert with Aquilera. In braces only older and more experienced pair Tony with Anabel were shown, because the young pair is still to sprightly to enter the exhibition. They trained together and they were shown in intermediate class. Both Bert nad Aguilera got their first CAC and in addition Bert got the title of Club winner.
Annabel shined and she got not only CAC and Club winner but also title BOB.
Tony was entered to honour class, where he hot his second certificate for Honour Club Champion and became also Best dog of winner classes. Judge liked his lively temperament and friendly character. Together with Anabel they became the best brace of the show.
Medium white boy Chic Chance Yrtep, own. Zdenka Hrdličkové, made us happy by getting next CAJC and Young Club Winner.
Miniature black female Daysy Prague Haley, own. Lenka Jáchymová, got CAC in open class and became Czech Junior Champion. Big congratulations to all!

great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great great white poodle great white poodle great great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle
great white poodle

Ctirad and Ctislav Unno Jezvé are already over one year in care of our saloon and do great at shows

Interchampion, Champion of Poland, Czech, Czech Grand Champion
Slovakia, Slovakian GrandChampion
Champion of Croatia and Monte Negro
Special show winner KCHP 2011
Champion KPaCHP
Champion of Hungary
Victory Winner 2012 and Best of King at Champion of Champions competition in Bratislava, SK

Interchampion, Czech Champion, Czech Grand champion
Slovakian Ch., Slovakian GrandChampion
Champion of Monte Negro
Club Winner KCHP 2011
Club Winner of Poland 2011
Grand Prix Slovakia Winner 2011
Champion KPaCHP
German Champion
Champion of Hungary
Club Winner of Hungary
BIS at Club show VDP Fraureuth Germany
VDP TOP Pudel 2011 - 1st place in cathegory of standard black, brown and white poodles.

great black poodle

We are very happy together with owners and we wish them a lot of success with other shows.

IDS České Budějovice 9.10.2011

Our last show was IDS in České Budějovice, where the show is traditionaly organised in October.
This time we drove in big group - Zuzka and her two white ladies Annabel and Aquillera and boys drove in second car - Tony, Bert and Channy.
Channy was first to be shown. He got his first CAJC.
Channy competed with his sister Vločka at Junior BOB competition. Vlocka was showing her self better and won the title and also in the final competition was short listed in her group.
After, I handled black Jessica Negro z Altheyrosei, who successfully completed conditions to became Czech Champion. Congratulation to family Prazsky!
From great poodle first to go with his owner was Aramis Recatty, who beated his competitors in intermediate class and won his second CAC!
After I had that honout o handle son of our Tony Aquillera Pikovický poklad. She entered to the ring with high self confidence and Dr. Jaroslava Ovesná liked her. Aguilera got her last CAJC for completing her Czech Junior Champion, she also won Junior BOB.
She became fifth offspring of Tony that got this title.
We are so happy!
Mother Annabel had a big competition in champion class and was placed on 2nd place with res. CAC.
Also sister Alexis, who is already Junior Champion since IDS Mlada Boleslav, came to visit us. We took a family picture together, although it was not easy to pose with so many lively great poodles!
great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle

PZV Siegerschau 2.10.2011

On 2.10.2011 we went together with my friend Jitka to Germany PZV Siegerschau. Show was organised at small town Kolkwitz in local sport hall and judges were very interesting. Males were judged by Robert Blümel from Austria and females judged by Mrs. Marianne van Bult Slooijer from Netherland.
Tony got his the most beautiful critics and also titles VDH CAC, CAC SCA and PZV Sieger 2011.
Grey miniatures did also well, both got titles PZV Sieger 2011 and together in braces were num. 1.
Successful trip with great accommodation in near Putgolla. Spreewald is a wonderful place. Germans were nice as always and invited us to other shows.

great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle

Club Show KPaCHP Praha-Stodůlky and NDS Brno 17.9.2011

We went for the first time to a show where sire Tony and his son Bert - Abar Recatty were shown together.
Both boys did enjoy the show and judge Zuzana Vršecká liked them very much.
Bert was shown for the second time in junior class and got his second Junior Club CC.
In Junior BIS competition Bert was standing at 3rd place behind his friend Channy. He proved that he took his cheerful character after his sire.
Tony was shown in honour class, which he won and later in afternoon competition also won Best dog of honour classes.
In Champion exhibition his brother Quentin, was shown. He looks very well.
Black - High Style Yrtep got his next Club CC and in competition of other medium-sized dogs was num. 3 in the afternoon competition.
Channy - Chic Chance Yrtep was shown in junior class, where he did well and in the afternoon stood among the best.
After a short brake and dinner we drove with boys to Brno, where Bert was shown in Junior class the next day. Judge was Mr. Rafal First from Poland. Bert did better in the ring this time. He got his first CAJC and in competition with black poodles also Junior BOB.
Brother Aramis won his class and including CAC won also National winner and BOS. Congrats to both!
We met with brothers Armin and Andreas, who were not groomed for the show, but enjoyed the show atmosphere. Who knows, maybe one day they will be as successful as their two brothers...
great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle great white poodle miniature grey poodle great white poodle great white poodle
pudl bílý královský

Club show PK Kladno 13.8.2011

Judge: Mgr.Hana Krejčová.
Result of Channy - Chic Chance Yrtep - medium white male owned by Zdenka Hrdličková, made us happy the most. He won title of Puppy Champion of Poodle club and in competiton of other breeds at regional show won reserve BIS Puppy. Handled by Jana he impressed the judge - Mr. Mudra very much.
Tonys son - Aramis Recatty won his 3rd CAJC and became Junior Champion CZ and also became Best Junior of the show.
At this show he met brother Abar Recatty and also his mother Karena and dad Tony. Together they make a beautiful picture.
Tony got cup for Club Champion and became The best dog of honour classes.
Miniature apricot Haco Greca Nova, owned by Petra and Tereza Altová won his next CAC and Club CC and together with his owner Tereza won 2nd place in Junior Handling.
Black standard male Fill Noire z Altheyrosei, owned by family Dvorak, won his first CAC.
Congratulations to all.
great white poodle Aramis Recatty great white poodle Karena, Aramis, Tony and Abar great white poodle Tony ans son Aramisem great white poodle Aramis and Abar great white poodle Chic Chance Yrtep great white poodle Tony

Club Show KCHaPP Konopiště 30.7.2011

Tonys Son Abar Recatty - Bert went for the first time together with us at club show of Klub chovatelů a přátel pudlů, which was organised on Saturday 30.7.2011 at areal of Hotel Nová Myslivna at Konopiště. Although the weather was not friendly, we did enjoy the show. Bert was a bit shy in the ring for the first time, but judge Lene Kildeborg Jakobsen from Denmark liked him and in the finals he was among the best poodles as his brother Aramis at the show before. He got Club Junior CC and became The Best Junior and also BIS 4th among 61 entered dogs. Unbelivable result for his first show judged by abroad judge.
Our grooming salon was also presented by miniature harlequin Cantos Brit Harlekin Wild Angel who, handled by Denisa Trnková, won Best multicoloured poodle and Best modern clip. Both boys made us very happy!
Abar Recatty Abar Recatty Cantos Brit Harlekin Wild Angel Cantos Brit Harlekin Wild Angel

Two of Tonys sons were shown in weekend 16.- 17.7.2011

Club show of KCHP - 16.7.2011 in Poděbrady:
TonyJr. - Antonio Pikovický poklad was given his third Club Junior CC and became the first Junior Champion KCHP sired by our Tony. Show was judged by Mrs. Zdenka Jílková.
He also became The Best Junior Standard male. Huge congratulations!
Thanks to Andrea Farkašovská for her perfect handling.
Antonio Pikovický poklad

At this club show also Chic Chance Yrtep (own. Zdeňka Hrdličková), who is being groomed in our salon, was shown.
He did well and became Puppy Champion of KCHP. Congrats!
Chic Chance Yrtep

NDS Mladá Boleslav 17.7.2011

Both half-brothers met at national show in Mlada Boleslav under the judge Mrs. Taťána Novotná.
After long decision she placed our Aramis Recatty infront of our Tony sired by our Tony, as we call him, Antonio Pikovický poklad.
Aramis got his 2nd CAJC and spread his collection of titles with Junior BOB and also BOB in competition of adult dogs.
It was a huge success of 13 months old dog.
Tony was Exc. 2nd with very nice critic. Congratulations to both!

26.6.2011 - IDS and Club Show Brno

We went to this trip together with Denisa Trnkova, who perfectly handled Black - High Style Yrtep and Vilda - Villy Adia Avi at Saturdays club show of KCHP, which was judged by Tina Taulos from Finland and also at Sundays international show, which was judged by Dr. Tamás Jakkel from Hungary.
Boys did very well under Denisa handling and both got CAC at Club show. At the international show Black got CAC and res. CACIB and Villy in big competition CAC, CACIB and BOB. That made us very pleased and both boys got further to get Czech grand Champion.
Tony went with Denisa to Junior Handling, where they got 2nd place in final competition.
At the Club show also youngster Channy, Chic Chance Yrtep, was with us. He got his 2nd Best Puppy CC KCHP and in the final competition he was 2nd Best puppy of the show.
Joko Ono zur Riegelsfeste - Ronka of our friend Jana Pacovská got her 2nd CAC for Czech Grand Champion at international show.
We all did enjoy the weekend and brought home many titles.

4.6.2011 - Club Show Konopiště

Judges: Stephen Wheeler from Sweden and Mrs. Melanie Harwood from England.
Multicoloured poodles were judged by Mrs. Petra Kučerová from the Czech Republic.
We had again many dogs and they got very nice results from these experienced judges.

Two kids sired by Tony were shown. We are very proud of them together with their breeders from kennels Pikovický poklad and Recatty.
Daughter Aquilera Pikovický Poklad recieved her second CAJC and her first Junior Club CC and in the final competitions 4th Best Junior female of the show.
Son Aramis Recatty had amazing day, for his first time he did just great.
He got CAJC, Club Junior Winner, The Best Junior dog and after also BIS 3rd from the whole show, where 115 dogs were entered.
Huge thanks for his presentation and training to his owner and our friend Eržice Kolbábkové and for his excellent clip to Myrna Krajtlová.

Other members of our team did also well:
ICH. Multich. Annabel du Cristaux Glaceés - CAC
ICH. Multich. Tony White Envisan - CAC, Champions of Champions CC, Club Winner, 2nd Best male
JCH. High Style Yrtep - CAC
JCH. Haco Greca Nova - CAC, Club CC, Club Winner, 4th best miniature poodle
JCH. Villy Adia Avi - CAC
Chic Chance Yrtep - DKCH, The Best baby in show
Cantos Brit Harlekin Wild Angel - The Best multicoloured poodle of the show, 3rd best modern clip
Tony and Annabel - 2nd best brace

Brother Abar Recatty, who is waiting for his show start, came to support us.
Our friend Jirka Rek, owner of kennel Recatty, came to the show tu check and support his breedings. He was very happy of Aramis result.

Thanks for the wonderful photos to owner of Tonys brother - Quentin, Standa Kolář.

15.7.2011 - Puppies sired by our Tony in kennel Bílý Poklad are 8 weeks old.

Special show of Klubu chovatelů pudlů in Kacina 28.5.2011

judge - Bruno Nodalli from Italy
Results of our great team:
Tony - CAC, Special Show Winner, The Best standard dog, The Best dog of the show, BIS 4th
Tony daughter Aquilera Pikovický poklad - CAJC, JKCH, The Best Junior Strandard female
Tony son Antonio Pikovický poklad - CAJC, JKCH, The Best Junior Standard male
Annabel du Cristaux Glaceés - CAC, Special Show winner, The Best standard female
High Style Yrtep - CAC, Special Show winner
Chic Chance Yrtep - DKCH, The Best baby male
Constantin Gris z Nového království - CAC, 3rd best grey poodle of all sizes
Casablanca Gris z Nového království - CAC, Special Show winner, 4th best poodle grey poodle of all sizes, 2nd Best miniature female of special show, The best brace
Yoko Ono zur Riegelsfeste - CAC
Ctirad Unno Jezvé - CAC, Special Show winner
Ctislav Unno Jezvé - CAC

1st photo: The whole family in the ring in competition of the Best white poodle, we were placed from 3rd to 5th place in order Tony, Annabel, Aquilera and Toníček
2nd photo: The whole family except sister Affinity, who came to support us

15.5.2011 - IDS Prague and succes of dogs groomed and prepared for shows by us:

judge Mgr. Božena Ovesná
High Style Yrtep - black medium male - CAC, res. CACIB
Haco Greca Nova - miniature apricot male - CAC, CACIB
Jessica Negro z Altheyrosei - CAC, CACIB
Agáta Berberis Carpatica - CAC, res. CACIB
Daysy Prague Haley - CAJC
Tony got res. CAC in champion class
Also Alexis Pikovický poklad, daughter of Tony, was shown - she got her very first CAJC in junior class.

Our friend Jitka Blahová and her grey poodles:
ICH. Constantin Gris z Nového království - CAC, CACIB
ICH. Casablanca Gris z Nového království - CAC
Braces competiton judged by A. Mudra, CZ - 2nd place

Huge congratulation to all members of our team!!

At Springduodanube in Bratislava Ctirad and Ctislav Unno Jezvé both completed conditions to become Slovakian Champions.
On Sunday Ctislav received his next CACIB.

7.5.2011 pppies sired by our Tony were born, dam Amanda Royal Team

5 boys and 2 girls. They are going well. Puppies are born in kennel Bílý poklad and their names are Agnesie and Adeline, boys are called Andreas, Anthony, Allegro, Armin and Aramis.
In the begining of July they will be able to leave to their new homes.

IDS Pohorje - 8.5.2011 - judge John Muldoon - Ireland

Annabel - CAC SLO, CACIB, BOB, BIG 2
We did the trip together with my friend Zuzka and our poodle duo and we also enjoyed sunny spring city of Graz.

IDS Maribor - 7.5.2011, judge Nataša Blanuša from Croatia

Tony - CAC SLO, CACIB, BOB - new champion of Slovenia

Club Show KPaCHP in České Budějovice, 23.4.2011

At this club show Mr. John and his multicoloured miniature poodle Cantos Brit Harlekin Wild Angel won The Best modern clip for our salon. Together with handler Denisa Trnková, he won Junior Club CC and 2nd Best multicoloured poodle of the show. Many thanks for the great presentation.
Rozhodčím byla paní Angelika Rudolph z Německa.

Club Show KCHP Ostrava - 9.4.2011

judge Petr Řehánek
Arnaldo Pikovický poklad (son of our Tony) got the titles - Junior CC KCHP, The Best Junior Standard male. Together with his little owner Natálka he was placed 2nd in Junior Handling competition.

National show Ostrava - 10.4.2011

judge Sandra Kekes Veselič - Chorvatsko
Arnaldo recieved Exc.1, CAJC

Club Show KCHP in Tymakov 20.3.2011

Judge: MVDr. Edita Králová from Slovakia
Kids by our Tony and Annabel Alexis Pikovický poklad and Antonio Pikovický poklad were at this show.
Tonicek was more succesfull than his sister and at his first show he was Excellent 1st, Junior Club CC and at the final competition he was the Best Standard Junior poodle of the show.

Alexis was again Excellent 2nd in junior class after older and fully developed concurence. But this time she presented well. Her owner was very satisfied with her.
Both pupps looked great and made thier parents very proud.

Also Black - JCH. High Style Yrtep did well this show. He got Junior CC KCHP and also became The Best Junior in Show.
He is a showman and can "figh" to win, this time handled by his breeder Petra Kučerová.
Also Daysy Prague Haley was shown. She received Junior CC and also became The Best Miniatre Junior female of the show.

20.3.2011 Club show Hoyerswerdy - Lauty, German Club VDP.

Judge: Mrs. Andrea Ernst, Germany

Tony received the last VDH CAC for his German Champion and his 2nd CC for Sieger Champion VDP. It is his 5th champion.
We were also informed that Tony became The 5th Best Poodle of VDP at TOP Poodle of 2010 among standard white, black and brown poodles. We are soo happy !
Our friend Ctislav Unno Jezvé did also well. He gained another VDH CAC.
Derek, stafford of our Jana, accompanied us. He was fine during the whole trip, show and socialized well. He likes poodles very much though he slept during the very exciting moments of their show. He did fan by all his little good soul.

19.3.2011 we were with our friends and their poodles at Club show of KPaCHP in Prague in hotel Svornost.

Judge: Mrs. Anette Arnold, Germany
Results :

ICH. Multich. Tony White Envisan
Club Honour CC, The Best dog of honour classes
Prize for The Poodle of the year 2010 KPaCHP - 1st place in standard variety and 3rd place among all poodles.
He presented kennel Envisian as the Best breeder of KPaCHP for 2010.
His owner got prize of Golden member of 2010 at KPaCHP

JCH High Style Yrtep
Club CC, 2nd Best medium dog of the show.

JCH Villy Adia Avi
Club CC, 2nd Best Miniature dog of the Show
He was awarded as 5th Miniature poodle of 2010 at KPaCHP

JCH Baron Bastien Půlnoční svit
Club CC - New Club Champion KPaCHP

CH Ctirad Unno Jezvé
Club CC - New Club Champion KPaCHP
The Best Standard Dog of the show and 4th Best dog of all varieties.
4th Best Standard poodle of 2010 at KPaCHP

CH Ctislav Unno Jezvé
Club CC of Champion of Champions KPaCHP, 4th Best Standard dog of the Show
5th Best Standard poodle of 2010 at KPaCHP

Affinity Pikovický poklad - daughter of our Tony
She was shown for the first time at Club Show and did well, the judge liked her and gave her excellent.

Many thanks for help and handling to Jitka Blahová and Denisa Trnková. I couldn't do it without them.

Club show KCHP in Libic

Judge - Tomáš Kubeš
Daughter of Tony and Annabel - Alexis Pikovický poklad was shown for the first time in junior class and only due to her big temperament, which she took after her dad, was placed 2nd. But she likes shows very much and we predict her great show career. We are proud at Lexa and we thank to her owner for her great care and grooming.
I also groomed female of black poodle Daysy Prague Haley (breeder Zuzana Jelínková, owner Lenka Jáchymová), she took a part at her first show, under handling of her breeder she gained her first title - The Best Puppy Female of the Club Show. We are soo happy.
JCH High Style Yrtep - recieved the second Club CC and in the final competitions did also well. He was in the final cut of The Best Black Poodle of the show and the judge obviously liked him very much, as Black was awarded as The Best Medium Junior Dog of the show and also The Best Junior of the Show. He won the title by his magnificent movement. He made us very happy and we wish him a lot of succes at next shows.

8.1.2011 - Show organised by KPaCHP.

Judge: Anna Törnlöv from Sweden.
Bondy became champion of KCHP.
I groomed 9 poodles for this show, 8 of them were successful:
Standard black male - CH Ctirad Unno Jezve - CAC, CHKCH, 3rd best standard dog of the show, New Czech champion
Standard black male - CH Ctislav Unno Jezve - CAC, KCH, New Czech champion and Champion of KPaCHP
Standard white female - Amanda Royal Team - CAC, registered as a breeding female
Standard white female - Agáta Berberis Carpatica - Exc.3rd
Standard white male - ICH Tony White Envisan - CAC, CHKCH, The Best Standard dog, 3rd best dog of the show
Medium black male - JCH High Style Yrtep - CAJC, 2nd Best Junior
Miniature grey male - JCH. Villy Adia Avi - CAC, 2nd Best miniature dog of the show
Medium black and white male - Bondie Brit Love Wild Angel - CAC, KCH, 3rd Best multicoloured poodle of the show, 2nd Best modern clip of the show

Thanks to all involved!

Our son by Tony and Annabel - Arnaldo Pikovický poklad, who was first shown in Brno at Club show KCHP. Judge Miroslav Guniš liked him very much and gave him very promissing 1st.

Son of our Tony and Karena - Abar Recatty, who was groomed in our salon for the first time. He did well due to his ballanced character. He let us to portrait him alone and after also with his father.

MVDr. Věra Vitnerová

Švýcarská 2430
272 01 Kladno-Kročehlavy, MAP
Phone: +420 774 481 041
